There are times you will run into ignorance as a blind person. Some will think you are incapable of certain tasks as a result of lacking eyesight. But, what they don't realize is, you as a blind person have gifts that THEY lack since they have sight.
I know I've been told this: but, have you ever been told that you couldn't do something because you were blind and that your blindness would pose a danger to you. These things would be things such as traveling in a major city, having or adopting children, going out at night (I would not recommend it for females though.), etc. While these people are very well meaning, they don't know. Not to mention, it is comments like these that are of great annoyance. To show you, and anyone else who reads this post today, I've done a number of things and have been very successful at doing them despite what others view what is safe for a blind person or not. And, if I can do it, so can any other blind person. I will list all that I've done and give the strategies as to how I did them so other fellow blind people may copy my example which will, in turn, give them a measure of success.
1. I'm now a successful online marketer as well as a professional fulltime writer/editor. I did this by doing many things. First, I became a member of the Warrior Forum, the best Internet marketing forum online with the quickest results. I did have a scuffle with some there in the beginning: however, with a few changes on my part such as humility and learning not to become so easily offended, things are all ironed out, and those people there have contributed largely to my success. The forum can be found at Then, for my writing jobs, I went to and looked under the job categories, scrolled down, and then selected writing and editing. I checked the telecommuting option which gave me several freelance jobs which is why I've been hired for a large company based out of California. Craig's List is a worldwide online newspaper: so, the supply of telecommuting jobs is endless. There is no excuse why you can't find one there. You don't have to do the writing ones either. i just gave that as an example as that is what I'm doing. There are several different jobs with various skills required. However, should you wish to become a hired writer, you can try going to to see if you can get hired. Also, to find several companies where you can possibly be hired to work from home, do the following google searches;
ghost writer
ghost writing companies
writing and editing jobs
writing services
Contact each company via phone and email introducing yourself. Don't forget to provide writing samples. I'll tell you that if you are just breaking through, it is a great idea to do some free work in exchange for testimonials to establish credibility since many companies want someone that is already well established and it is hard for a new writer. Believe me, I know.
3. Network, network, network! I can't stress this enough. When trying to succeed, no man is an island. You will always need someone. Make it your regular routine to chat in the Internet marketing forums even if it is for an hour a day. You will meet many interesting people, learn alot, as well as form great business relationships. You can do joint ventures, which totally contribute to the quick growth of a business, as well as establish long term business partners. I've done both and had a measure of success.
In the near future, I hope to make greater achievements to show those sighted around me that I can do what they doubt I can. Like I said, If I Can Do It, You Can Too!
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